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                                         CLUB RULES FOR 2022                                           

1/ All anglers must abide by the regulations set out in the Fisheries Act Northern Ireland 1966. 

2/ All anglers must have obtained a valid rod licence from the relevant authority before angling shall commence.

3/ All salmon must be returned to the river regardless of condition.

4/ Members must at all times carry their club membership card, and day ticket holders their tickets, and must produce same at the request of club bailiffs or officers of the club.

5/ Bailiffs must carry their warrant cards when patrolling and produce it if requested to do so.

6/ Any fish under 10 inches / 25.5 cms must be returned unharmed to the river.

7/ No digging or lighting of fires is permitted whilst on club water.

8/ No littering or discarding of fishing line. 

9/ Anglers must not cause damage to crops or property.

10/ Anglers must not park on private land unless permission has been given by the landowner, and must not park in a manner that would block lanes or gateways causing an obstruction.

11/ Sunday fishing is for members only. No day tickets are available for Sunday fishing. 

12/ Any club member whose subscription is unpaid by last day of February shall be deemed to have resigned their membership and will be required to make a fresh application to renew membership.

13/ Fly fishing only is permitted from 1st March to 31st July, thereafter worm and spinning are allowed. The use of maggots, groundbait, powerbait, prawns and shrimp are strictly prohibited.

14/ Junior members are permitted to fish with worm and spinners from 1st July to coincide with school holidays.

15/ Anglers fishing with bait or spinning must give way to fly anglers.

16/ Anglers must not step into a pool ahead of another angler unless permission has been sought.

17/ All anglers are asked to abide by the club's catch and release guidelines.

18/ The club bag limit per angler per day is 2 trout /dollaghan.

19/ Anglers must use the stiles where provided.

20/ The use of treble hooks is prohibited throughout the season regardless of fishing method or the fish species being targeted. 

21/ All anglers to keep on the move during daylight hours, fishing one cast one step either upstream or down depending on the method being used. ​

22/ An appropriate landing net and unhooking tool to be carried at all times while fishing the river.

23/ To ban the use of any item or device used to suspend any natural or artificial bait or that aids the depth control or suspension of flies on all club waters. 


This includes floats, strike indicators, pimps, bung, cork and floatation type. 


This does not include floating or coloured/marked fly lines or Euro nymphing lines, any fly lines, polyleaders, any form of floatant and dry flies. 

24/ The use of sight indicators is permitted on club waters.

25/ Any member in breach of club rules will be subject to disciplinary action or expulsion at the discretion of the committee. 

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